It’s best when the mix is chilled before pouring into the machine.
Oreo Cookie Ice Cream How to Get the Best Results From Your Ice Cream Maker

After 40 minutes, the drum will have heated up enough that it won’t continue to freeze the ice cream. There is a point at which it’s gotten as hard as it will get and continual churning won’t do any more good. At this point, you can add extras, like fruit or candy, and continue to churn it to thicken and harden even more. Once you place the ice cream mixture into the bowl and started the machine, it takes about 20 minutes for the ice cream to churn and thicken. If you’re planning to make ice cream in the next day, be sure to put yours in the freeze right now! This is assuming you’ve already frozen the bowl, which alone can take anywhere from 4 to 12 hours. In an ice cream maker, it takes around 20-45 minutes to churn ice cream. & I never buy real butter either…I use country crock margarine for everything…even does cause some issues with baking but so far it’s never given me a problem with any candy I’ve made…but the whole reason I even started this comment or maybe I should call it an essay (or some thing like that) was to ask if this would still work if I chose to add some instant coffee crystals to the mixture when I first combine everything.how much would you maybe suggest/recommend I use?.I’m thinking 1-2 tsps? I’m not adding any sort of chocolate at all…I would but I don’t have any chocolate at home & I’m not walking in 102° weather to go get any either…so it’s just the toffee as written in your recipe & folgers instant coffee crystal’s added in….Buy Now on Amazon How Long Does It Take to Make Ice Cream?

It started with the $5 nestle fudge kit they sell during the holidays, then I started experimenting, different chocolate chip combos, extracts, add-ins, toppings, used candy bars instead of chocolate chips, condensed milk instead of evaporated, fluff instead of mini marshmallows, the combinations are endless… then one day I wanted some caramel & I’ve just about got that down pat too…caramel sauce that is…I never have corn syrup & haven’t found any recipes for soft caramels without it…but I have done all this candy making without ever having a candy thermometer…I don’t even try the water thing where you put a drop of your sugar mixture into a clear glass of water & see what stage your sugar is at by how it settles/disperses in the water.I’ve never been able to get the quite right either….ANYWAYS….I’ve made your toffee recipe 4 times now going to make my 5th after I send thi’s & I have had great results every time.I now own a set of stainless steel copper bottom heavy pots & pans but since I never cook my sugar dry i haven’t noticed a real big difference between them & my usual scratched up barely there non-stick Teflon cookware. Thank you for this recipe…I have no experience with candy making nor do I own the “necessary equipment”(candy thermometer, heavy pans, etc) I’ve just got a sweet tooth from hell & not nearly enough sweets around my house to satisfy it but so far I have had nothing but good outcomes every time I’ve spontaneously decided to make some candy…except for rock candy.that never works out for me…but I’ve now done many batches of fudge (that’s what started my candy making adventure about a year & a half ago) & each was successful.